We are currently conducting three user engagement surveys and would love to hear from you. Find out more about each survey and how to get involved in this article.
By Team Helsa • 19th October 2021
Image by Canva
Team Helsa
During November we will be running a dedicated Trans Awareness campaign.
The campaign’s main purpose is to highlight the multiple other identities trans people, just like everyone else, hold. This specific survey is directed towards trans people that are interested in talking about their passions, hobbies, or professions with us.
We are looking to speak to anyone identifying under the trans umbrella, and your passions, hobbies or professions could be anything under the sun. If this is you, please fill out the short screener survey in the link below to register your interest and help us bring education and awareness to both the LGBTQ+ community and the wider general population.
Survey 1 Link: https://uclioe.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cv7yMED8AYotzPo
During November we will be running a dedicated Trans Awareness campaign.
The campaign’s main purpose is to highlight the multiple other identities trans people, just like everyone else, hold. This specific survey is directed towards trans people that are willing to talk about their sexual identity. We are interested in talking to anyone identifying under the trans umbrella, and we are looking for representation from a diverse range of sexual identities.
If this is you, please fill out the short screener survey in the link below to register your interest and help us bring education and awareness to both the LGBTQ+ community and the wider general population.
Survey 2 Link: https://uclioe.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6Jajb3lx1prz6rY
If you have experiences of ‘everyday internal minority stress’ we would love to hear from you. Please fill out the short survey screener in the link below and help us highlight and address some of the internal minority stress factors many of us still struggle with.
Survey 3 Link: https://uclioe.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0ePvk6Rih4oMQTQ
Minority stress is unique stress we as LGBTQ+ people experience because of our sexual and/or gender minority identity, such as internalised homophobia/biphobia/transphobia, concealment of identity, and expectations of rejection. For example, avoiding showing affection or holding hands with your partner in public out of fear of negative reactions from other people.
Through a social media campaign as well as an article later in the autumn, we will be highlighting common experiences of everyday internal minority stress, as well as offering advise on how to address and overcome them.